Thursday, October 21, 2010

New People Take Awhile To Turn Into New Friends...

I help out at youth group. Thought that would be a super way to give back. Um, yeah. I'm afraid of teenage girls. Was when I was a teenager...still am. In an attempt to lessen that anxiety (of being in a huge room with tons of 13 year old girls I don't yet know...or any other adult for that matter) I try and strike up a conversation with some other leaders-they know kids (or a least know how to act around them). So in walks this girl and I KNOW HER. That's the intern's wife. Mikayla!! I yell. And she looks at me strangely. Hmmm...maybe that's because we've NEVER ACTUALLY MET! OOOH..that's right. I have facebook stalked her before. Probably should have kept that one to myself. Um, yeah.
So she walks over.
"Hi" I say, and stick out my hand to shake hers."You don't know me but I know Seth, your Mikayla right"
"My hand's not sweaty" I say. (WAIT>>>>WHAT!?!?! I'm sorry, is this your first public appearance? WHO SAYS THAT!!!)
She just stares awkwardly at me...I"m staring awkwardly at my hand and then I awkwardly close my eyes and take a deep breath. I shake my head (while constant streams of WHAT THE CRAP IS WRONG WITH YOU run through my head). "I mean, its not sweat, its condensation. I had a cup in my hand and it was condensating. So its not sweat its condensation from the cup. I do sweat a lot though"
"My name's Becky by the way"
Silence. Followed by the pity smile.
"Yeah, sorry I'm so awkward."
WHO at the age of 26...can't figure out how to introduce themselves to someone. No I was not homeschooled, no I'm not some anti-social nerdy girl. SERIOUSLY

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