Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Part 2. Since I apparently write once a year, we all know embarrassing things happen more than once a year.

Ok, so I had a date. Yes...its true, I did.
Its always way more amazing when you both have issues with awkwardness. But it also makes me feel way better about myself that I am not the only one creating the pain in the room. Sometimes I wish Abby was there to help coach us out of the awkwardness. But since Dylan is obviously more important than my social life...I continue to be at a loss. So we walk to dinner. I warn him several times that I have balance issues, feet picking up issues, ice/snow issues, pretty much issues with everything. I gave fair warning. Things went fine for the most part during dinner.... errr...:) yeah.
Well we walk home, I carried my left overs because something in my mind told me that carrying an overly full go carton of red curry was a super good idea...in the snow and ice and slush puddles. But I made it. I made it all the way back home. I ran into him a couple times walking but I never dropped the carton, never fell...never even skidded, avoided all puddles that would consume my tiny little slip on (because I grew up in MT and STILL forget snow boots when I go into the mountains fully aware that it is and has been snowing FEET of fresh pow.)
I made it, I was so proud, yes there was awkward conversation....jokes that fell flat, stories that didn't go anywhere, sentences that flew past each other, sometimes we weren't on the same page...or even in the same book for that matter. But I didn't embarrass myself. Chalk one up for the solo team Becky! I made it. Smmmmooth.
Or not, we walk into his house, and a friend had stopped over to visit. I round the corner to introduce myself like the cool chick that I am...and he starts laughing hysterically. I, of course, am instantly confused....then he points at my pants, and I look down. My curry...that I kept in the cup...was ALL DOWN MY LEG, ALL OVER BOTH SHOES...ALL OVER. AHHHHHHHH. The boy...yeah, he starts laughing too....like, falling over laughing. I just stood there in utter amazement of myself. SUPER BEC...Stellar first impression. So I spent the rest of the night smelling like sweaty curry.

Ice is not my friend

And neither is snow. Casey doesn't even laugh anymore when I fall down (actually, I don't know if he ever has). He just stares at me like, "pa--leese...try and control you body extremities!" But thankfully dear Casey is such a good friend that he just continues to put up with me despite how awkward, clumsy and embarrassing I am. So we go skiing. We are on a cat track (that's one of those flat groomed runs that kinda leads to downhill runs that are further across the mountain....let's be real...there is only a slight slope on these things, like if you didn't have speed before you started, getting across them pretty much ruins your day (or your mom's coat with the stench of sweat you produce trying to nortek track your way across a mountain)). So we are on a cat track, Case is behind me (slow as usual) and so I stop to turn and see if he is coming. And he's flying! So I quickly turn around to start back up, I didn't even lift a ski or a pole. I WASN'T EVEN MOVING. I just tipped over, off the cat track and into the trees. Sweet. I LOVE digging myself out of powder while I"m upside down with 5 foot posts pulling in the opposite direction. Casey, as usual, doesn't offer to help he just stands there staring at me like it is impossible that this is happening.
Later, we stop at the grocery store to buy some stuff for dinner. I'm in clogs, Casey is in ski boots. Ski boots are hard to walk in, not clogs. There is snow in the parking lot, but not on the side walks. They are clean and dry. Clean and dry all except for a small circle about the size of the saucer you use with a coffee cup...and I stepped on it. And Down she goes! Awesome, that's what Casey said....but not like AWESOME! It was dripping in sarcasm. The kid just walked across the parking lot in ski boots, he also walked all over a tiled grocery store sans problems....yeah...winter.